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Sadness, Moodiness

 Sadness comes when we fails to reach what we aim (the aim may be anything (love,marks,position,business,friends,etc.))  ,when we don't share anything  ,when we have personal things, when we don't live with real face .why this sadness comes or why it persist with us ? Is there any ways to overcome it ?


Yes,there are ways to overcome the sadness .If  you take the world it has two sides positive , negative likewise in battery ,knife and all things that are persist on the earth and outside the earth.

From the above i came  to deliver you that family is a point which will give you sadness by its pressure and it will also give the solution for your sadness if you share the sadness and problems to them.

Sadness persist with us because we keep it with us and we don't let it go.  

Don't keep anything on your mind (whether secrets   or simple things ) split it out and share it with your family .whether the thing is wrong or right share it out with your family (parents,grandparents,life partners only)because family  is the only true support for your future  nor friends,nor gadgets going to support you truly.

sadness will turn into depression 

If you are going to share about your wrong side of our face ,bad habits (not violently sharing for getting solution for it ) and all the things to your family then that is well and good because no one in the world learn bad habits unknowingly they are learning that thing with their knowledge but no one in the world will show their real face ,bad face to anyone, but this is not the great thing i am sure that people who are living without showing their real face can't win anything in the world they will really have a bag full of stress with them ,so people live with your real face live for you not for name that you get from others , if you are living with real face then everybody will come closer to you with their real face ,you will get real love from others and people don't have any things as personal it will add lot stress to you .

IF you share about your wrong side with your family that is well and good because your family are not going to kill you but they will  give you the medicine for your wound because your family will do everything for your good bright future.

Mutual sharing of your thoughts,things , day to day personals to your parents are the world's best boost up for your bright good future that's why we say in puberty period talk or share things or thoughts with your parents.

Please try it once you will feel the difference.  

Fresh, happy ,clear and stable minded soul can win anything in the world .

be happy stay positive and   stay safe

                                 achieve your aim.

Thank you 


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