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About Twin towers


Twin towers 

*The twin towers were completed in 1973.

*The other buildings were built over the next 14 years.

*The twin towers opens on April 4 1973.

*The twin towers where the central piece of the world trade centre complex.

*There are their tallest building in the New York city, and for a brief period upon the completion, they were the tallest building in the world.

*They attracted roughly 70,000 tourist and commuters everyday.

*The tower where massive. Each weight more than $250,000 tons.

*The tower contained 99 elevators, and had 21800 Windows. Each floor was an acre in size.

*Location of this tower (lower Manhattan, New York city.)

*There were many major insurance including FIR on February 13 1975, a bombing on February 26 1998, bank robbery on January etc.....

*On the morning of September 11 2001, timing 8:46 a.m., on north of the building, centre of 93 -94 floors, two Boeing 767 jets into the twin tower within minutes of each other, less than two hours later, both tower collapsed.

*The jets were hijacked by al-qaeda.

*The attacks killed 2606 peoples.

*At last they replaced the building as a 6 new skyscrapers complex.

*It was completed in may 2013 and opened in November 2014.

The life of the twin tower is just a small yes or ago.

It is a great history and a great incident that no one cannot be  forgot.

Thank you

From your superhero spidey.🕸️🕸️🕸️


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